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One of the coolest things about the Request/Response API is that it works with modern web frameworks, so you can use routing and their helper methods!


Here’s an example with Hono:

Hono exampleRun in Val Town ↗
import { Hono } from "npm:hono@3";
const app = new Hono();
app.get("/", (c) => c.text("Hello world!"));
app.get("/yeah", (c) => c.text("Routing!"));
export default app.fetch;


And one with Peko:

Peko exampleRun in Val Town ↗
import { Peko } from "";
export const pekoExample = async (request) => {
const server = new Peko.Router();
server.get("/", () => new Response("Yes? There's something at /hello"));
server.get("/hello", () => new Response("Hello world!"));
return server.requestHandler(request);


And nhttp:

NHttp exampleRun in Val Town ↗
import { nhttp } from "npm:nhttp-land@1";
export const nhttpExample = async (request) => {
const app = nhttp();
app.get("/", () => {
return "Hello, World";
app.get("/cat", () => {
return { name: "cat" };
return app.handleRequest(request);


A super tiny example with itty-router:

Itty exampleRun in Val Town ↗
import { Router, json } from "npm:itty-router@4";
export const ittyRouterExample = async (request: Request) => {
const router = Router();
router.get("/", () => "Hi");
return router.handle(request).then(json);